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Julio Suárez

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Fuente con esculturas de gaviotas
Plaza de Recreo de Guánica
About the Area

Traditional town centers are the urban counterpart of the rural imaginary, prevalent, as a rule, in representations of Puerto Rican identity. The transformation of a rural economy into an industrial one after the 1950s, favored other settlement forms, particularly suburban developments spurred by the potential of the automobile. At present, urban centers compete with shopping mega-structures. Having experienced substantial population losses in the last decades, they are now reduced to mere service centers.

The Project for the Revitalization of Traditional Urban Centers of the Department of Urbanism, promotes the qualitative regeneration of public space as the first step of a resettlement strategy. This initiative has offered artists a vast stock of public spaces and buildings, as a means of adding art to the heart of island towns. Such works should celebrate the characteristics of each town without falling prey to nostalgia or a false reconciliation with populist expressions. The selected works evidence a vast array of formats and themes, that range from the praise of natural landscape to bolder visions, committed to the future of these strongholds of everyday life in Puerto Rico.

SALITRE, FUENTE CON ESCULTURAS DE GAVIOTAS, es una fantasía marina de aves y agua dedicada a los habitantes del poblado de Guánica. La fuente ubicada en la plaza del centro urbano alude a  la cotidianidad de este pueblo costero, a través de la escena de gaviotas que parecieran estar despegando del estanque de la fuente en un flujo migratorio hacia el infinito. La evocación de las aves marinas en la Plaza de Recreo, situada al centro del pueblo, rescata para los transeúntes de la plaza la presencia del mar, de la bahía histórica, de los pescadores y comerciantes del malecón , del sol, del sargazo y el salitre. La fuente saluda al visitante que llega al centro del  pueblo, anunciándole  de forma alegórica  la esencia costera  del entorno guaniqueño.
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