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  La barca de barro
(The Ship of Clay)
Víctor Vázquez
Great Window to the Sea Square, Condado

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Phase 2
To stay or not to stay: that is the question. To speak about ships is to speak about travel; to evoke, spaces that are possible only in the imagination or in memory from a transient here and now; to travel over the mysterious immensity of water, always the same and always different. In La barca de barro ( The Ship of Clay ) the ship and the water are artifacts fused by distance in a ritual of mutual penetration, of mutual production. The observer participates in the paradox of traveling without moving, of going back to the origin by filtering his/her gaze through the clay skeleton of a ship anchored on   stones. An immobile ship, anchored, wrecked, that reawakens our memories, like the wave returning to the coast, or like the ship that takes us back to the ontological rite of being.
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